Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Number 58

Bella and I went out yesterday and I totally forgot I snagged  a picture of her before we left! She had put her Flipflops on and her sunglasses on and was headed for the door. I thought it was too cute!

Today I took my camera to the school. I usually try to but I also usually forget.  There are so many things that go on there that would be worth capturing in a photo. From teachers and kids and parents to Military Aircraft sightings. There is an Airforce base not far from my house. So It is not uncommon to see Jets practicing manuvers or the military helicopters transporting something from here to somewhere else.  The Jets are usually fairly unnerving to come across. Mainly because theres no warning before their roaring engines and speeds shake the house as they pass by!
  I got fairly lucky today. I took my camera with me and I saw 2 helicopters  but go figure I had the wrong lens on my camera so I had to very quickly switch them out and managed to get this before they were out of photographing range:

This was the only one I got and it's a bit out of focus. But it fascinates me all the same.

1 comment:

Zion said...

Oh my goodness. She is so cute.